Long before Dutch settlers came to our shores, the Native Americans cultivated tobacco and held councils beneath the massive branches of the Charter Oak tree. It is a sacred tree and is a long standing symbol of American independence. Charter Oak Cigar shail from the same fertile valley in Connecticut that native son Nicholas Melillo was born and raised in. These cigars preserve and celebrate that rich local history.
The cigar is rolled in a silky Connecticut Shade wrapper, a Sumatran binder and Nicaraguan fillers. This combination of tobacco gives the smoker amild to medium bodied smoke.
A favorite of tenured smokers, Punch is one of the first cigar brands to have been developed in Honduras. Made in accordance with the country??s tradition of expertly curing its tobacco, Punch lives...
Punch Signature is a notable addition to the Punch brand. The cigar features a specially cultivated Ecuadoran Corojo wrapper, grown explicitly for this cigar. The wrapper harkens back to Punch??s...
A favorite of tenured smokers, Punch is one of the first cigar brands to have been developed in Honduras. Made in accordance with the country??s tradition of expertly curing its tobacco, Punch lives...
Released annually and only available until the limited supply is depleted, Punch Rare Corojo cigars are made with a special, extra rich Sumatra wrapper cultivated in the mountains of Ecuador. These...
Cohiba Blue is rolled up into four crowd pleasing vitolas that showcase a gorgeously smooth Honduran wrapper which will wake the palate up right off the bat. Blue is filled with a three-country blend...