Davidoff Sampler Assortments
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Davidoff 5 Robusto Gift Selection
$104.00Discover our most popular Robusto cigars. This selection of cigars provides a variety of blends, creating wonderful cigar enjoyment for all times of day. The intensity within this selection range from mild to medium and medium to full. A superb gift...$104.00 -
Davidoff 9 Cigar Selection
$193.10Our classic gift assortment now includes some of our other top-selling cigars. This offering varies in format from within multiple Davidoff series, providing a full range of cigar enjoyment options. The perfect gift option for the cigar enthusiast and...$193.10 -
Davidoff 6 Figurado Gift Selection
$153.70Explore a selection of cigars, all in a variety of Figurado shapes. The tapered style creates an interesting enjoyment experience, varying in length and gauge in this assortment. This offering, features cigars ranging from mild to medium and...$153.70 -
Davidoff Tubos Selection
$68.70The Davidoff Assortment Tubos features some of Davidoff's highest quality blends. From the seamless wrappers and impeccable burn to their exquisite flavor, each Davidoff will leave you craving more. The Tubos Assortment includes the mild corona Davidoff...$68.70