he cigar industry is full of brands that come and go, leaving their stock to quietly age in rooms across Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Costa Rica, and beyond. But now, with...
Savor a stunning, 92-rated cigar from an iconic Cuban-legacy portfolio with La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut. World-renowned cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia add an entirely new dimension to a...
Savor a stunning, 92-rated cigar from an iconic Cuban-legacy portfolio with La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut. World-renowned cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia add an entirely new dimension to a...
Savor a stunning, 92-rated cigar from an iconic Cuban-legacy portfolio with La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut. World-renowned cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia add an entirely new dimension to a...
Thank You All! This Batch Sold Out. Next Availability is April 1st, 2025.
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Old Dominion is a simple yet complex tasting "Crumble Flake" (A mixture of cut leaf with some whole leaf added, pressed and sliced thick) of red, matured and bright Virginia varieties with a dose of...
We start with a base of our own delicious "Simply Red" Virginia, add a bit of Matured Red Virginia and liberally dose with a black stoved Virginia for our own take on a "Red & Black" mixture...
A wonderfully complex mixture of Red, Orange, and Bright Virginia tobaccos, exotic Oriental leaf, and just a whisper of Perique. The flavor is naturally sweet, slightly nutty, delicately spicy and...
Part of HU Tobacco's African line, the Nyala blend features Red Virginias, Malawi Burley, Perique, Havana leaf, and a touch of Brazilian leaf. It's a medium-bodied blend with a rich, vibrant flavor...
A mellow, sweet mixture of Bright, Red, and Stoved Virginias offers the exceptional base for smokey Latakia, floral Kentucky, spice of Stoved Katerini and the ambrosial berry and spice of Katerini...