Our classic gift assortment now includes some of our other top-selling cigars. This offering varies in format from within multiple Davidoff series, providing a full range of cigar enjoyment options. The perfect gift option for the cigar enthusiast and for those seeking a wonderful introduction, featuring cigars perfect for the start of the day and into the late hours of the evening.
Cigars are presented in a beautiful wooden box with an elegant white base, including notches to safely secure each cigar within the selection.
Included in 9 Cigar Gift Selection:
Davidoff Signature No.2
Davidoff Signature 2000
Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto
Davidoff Millennium Piramides
Davidoff Escurio Robusto
Davidoff Nicaragua Toro
Davidoff Yamasá Petit Churchill
Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill
Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto