Comprised from the same tobaccos as unscented Brown Flake, this medium bodied flake is augmented with the addition of traditional British flavorings (70%) and vanilla and fig extract (15% each)...
As with Bright CR Flake, this is another tobacco that devises its flavour simply from the choice of leaf in the blend, and has no additional casings or flavours to enhance the smoke. (u/s - stands...
The most popular 'Latakia' blend in Europe. Scottish Mixture is comprised of Brazilian, Zimbabwe and Malawi Virginia (53%) which are blended with Malawi sun cured (10%), and Malawi burley (17%). The...
Gawith Hoggarths only VaPer (Virginia & perique) flake and has the added twist of a chocolaty topping. The perique is used sparingly to give a light figgy taste, but none of the punchy twang...
A similar blend of pure Virginia leaf as Bright CR Flake, but with the addition of some special Virginia casings to enhance the natural sweetness of the leaf, finished off with a light top flavour of...
The main characteristics of this flake come from the 8% latakia included in the blend and the smooth chocolate aroma. Brazilian, Zimbabwe, Malawi Virginia leaf make up 82% of the blend providing a...
100% pure virginia leaf with no additional flavours made from a blend of Brazilian, Zimbabwe and Malawi bright Virginia leaf. The pressed tobacco as with all flakes, is left to mature before cutting...
This is virtually a blend reversal of Coniston Cut Plug with 75% flue cured Virginia. 16 % dark fired, and 9% burley. The blend therefore has far milder characteristics; and is rounded off with the...