The wrapper of choice for Cuban cigar makers, the Habano has a robust full-bodied flavor. The Habano's bold spice softens to create a delicious new version of the famous leaf.
The wrapper of choice for Cuban cigar makers, the Habano has a robust full-bodied flavor. The Habano's bold spice softens to create a delicious new version of the famous leaf.
The wrapper of choice for Cuban cigar makers, the Habano has a robust full-bodied flavor. The Habano's bold spice softens to create a delicious new version of the famous leaf.
The Espinosa Habano cigar is the first cigar to be made in Erik Espinosa's La Zona Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. A medium bodied cigar that satisfies the palate with rich and complex flavors such as...
The Espinosa Habano cigar is the first cigar to be made in Erik Espinosa's La Zona Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. A medium bodied cigar that satisfies the palate with rich and complex flavors such as...