La Biota Pipes

La Biota Pipes

Michele Sottocasa studied graphic and photographic arts and subsequently graphic design. He worked as a graphic designer and art director. His true passion in building pipes blossomed around the years 2010-2012. He chooses a particular name, "la Biota" which in Lombard dialect means "naked", as his idea is that the pipe cannot hide secrets but must be absolute truth. That is, it must be an object capable of saying everything, without the need for intermediaries.
Michele is a free man, free from recurring typologies, autonomous even in his way of working.
Two concepts are evident in his pipes: on the one hand the resumption of classical references, while maintaining its own definition and on the other the resumption of purely natural references.
He uses only Italian briar to which he loves to add insertions of spectacular horn rings, roe deer horns and various essences without smudging. The technique is top notch.
They are objects of direct connection between mother nature and man.

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