Ripe Red Virginias in ribbon form cured and aged via traditional methods...simple, right?
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Ripe Red Virginias in ribbon form cured and aged via traditional methods...simple, right?
Sadly, I got back into pipe smoking just as McClelland was stepping out. I was lucky enough to grab a couple tins from the Frog Morton series, but never got to really smoke any of there famed Virginias. I have a few pounds of Sutliff 515 RC and have smoked a number of bowls of it as I was told this could be close to the red virginias used by McClelland. Simply Red is a completely different animal, and everything that I hope my 515 red cake matures into. I’m not good at describing exact nuances and characteristics of the leaf...I just know this is a great tobacco. I should have ordered more.
Although I'm not primarily a Virginia smoker, Simply Red is deliciously fragrant and enjoyable when I want a temporary change from Watch City's remarkable English blends. Highly recommend.
As my subject title states, "I Really Want To Lie" and say this is not a good tobacco, and you shouldn't purchase it, because I'd like to buy more for myself, but I like the pipe smoking community and when one comes across a truly delightful tobacco, one should share it, so I won't lie. Like most, I'm am/was a huge McClelland fan and just really enjoyed the hell out of their Virginias, especially Red Cake so needless to say, I was disappointed when they shut down, although I have a couple of pounds cellared. I instantly went on the hunt for a replacement and was pretty happy with the tobaccos i found until I experienced Simply Red. Just an amazing blend, that imo is even better than Red Cake. I find the fruitiness balances extremely well with the tanginess, the natural sweetness is perfect, no bite (if sipped), very pleasing room note. No drying time needed, as it is ready to smoke. The flavor is medium-bodied, but it's a well-rounded medium flavor that finishes quite well on the palate, and easily an all-day smoke. If you're a red Virginia fan, it's awfully difficult not to like this blend.
Watch City service was excellent. Sampled in both a cob and briar. Moisture content on arrival required no dry time before loading into bowl. Tangy and sweet on first light, it has a bit of a rough edge which settles down as the smoke progresses. As the name implies, it's not a complicated smoke. Nicotine content is mild. Smokes to gray ash with routine tamping and few relights. Well suited for a beginner in search of a red Virginia primer or mixing with potential to improve given additional storage time. Overall, a solid bulk representative which also provides value.
This is a fantastic red Va. I can't recomend it enough...
This is wonderful, simple Red Virginia blend. No bite, while providing the nice zing that one expects from Virginia tobaccos. It also has almost a toasted taste that provides some low sweet notes that intensify as the bowl progresses. An 'all day smoke?' Quite possibly, if I wasn't so easily distracted! I highly recommend it to every lover of fine leaf!
Flavors of dark fruit. I know others would ask how it compares to 5100 unfortunately I never had the chance to try it. I have had 515 RC-1 fresh and this is different. There is more depth with Simply Red and has more citrus notes that 515 seems to have none. It an extremely enjoyable to smoke all day. I look forward to aging this blend as it will just continue to get better with age but very enjoyable fresh. Hat's off to Ernie for producing a beautiful tobacco.
No, It's not McC 5100, but it doesn't have to be. This blend has plenty of great traits that stand on their own. This is better balanced than 5100 while not so "in your face" with the vinegar notes. Worth cellaring deep as it should just get smoother over time.
For years, I primarily smoked McClelland 5100 straight, bowls per day, pounds per year. Thank goodness for Ernie and Watch City coming up with a blend that more than fills the gap left by McClellands departure from the pipe world. Simply Red is very sweet and tangy but also has more complexity than 5100 had. So there is a couple of minor tradeoffs both ways but Simply Red stands on its own as an superb Red Virginia blend.